All My Favourite Things

After initially refusing to get involved in the social media side of the business, I am now really starting to get into it. Not just have I been putting up the occasional Facebookand Twitter post, I have also been going crazy on Pinterest over the last couple of weeks. I am still not 100% sure about the point of it, but I do love trawling through hundreds of pictures, pinning my favourite ones to the different boards. And, not just will there be no excuse anymore for Ross not knowing what I would like for my birthday/ Christmas/ anniversary, I also find it quite inspiring having a look at all my lovely images.
Here’s a link to our Pinterest page if you fancy having a look at all my favourite things:
Next stop tumbler and Instagram J

Let us know what’s your favourite social media site and any tips on how to get the most out of it will be much appreciated!

Jana x

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